Assessing the Importance of Basis Step-Up under ATRA

Please join us for our March 26, 2015 dinner meeting, to be held at the Worcester Country Club, Worcester, MA.
The event will run from 5:15pm - 7:30pm. Our speaker will be William D. Kirchick, Esq., Mr. Kirchick is a partner with the firm of Nutter, McClennen and Fish, LLP, in Boston, MA. Mr. Kirchick also serves as a Director for the NAEPC (National Association of Estate Planners and Councils), as well as a Director of the national organization's Education Foundation.
The topic for the evening will be: Assessing the Importance of Basis Step-Up under ATRA (American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012)
A buffet dinner will be served. As always, you may bring a guest, for which there is a $40 charge per guest.
We look forward to seeing you on March 26!